5 Ways to Get Your Customers to Toot Your Horn
One of the fun ways to toot your horn is to get others to do it for you. We mentioned how affiliates can brag about you with your help so that you make more sales, but other people can also do the same thing if you provide them the opportunity. It can be a little scary at first but opening your site to allow public reviews of your products and services is an excellent way to let someone else toot your horn.
Get a Plugin – If you use WordPress for your site, you can get a plugin that will allow your customers who have purchased to submit reviews on your site that will automatically appear whether they’re good or bad. You do usually have some way to delete them but be aware that if you do that someone may realize it and decide you’re not honest. (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-customer-reviews/)
Send an Email – Within the autoresponder series you send to buyers of your products and services, add an email that asks them to leave a review along with the link of places to leave the review. You can do a different email for each place if you spread it out. You may want a review on LinkedIn or Facebook instead of your website or in addition to your site. It’s up to you.
Host a Customer Contest – One way to get people to brag about you is to set up a contest asking your customers to make a 30-second video about why they love your product or service and why they’d recommend it to someone else. Ask them to share it on YouTube, link to it in a comment set up for the contest, run it for a week or two, and the person with the most likes wins free product or service.
Interview Your Best Customer(s) – If you have some long-term customers who are agreeable to it, consider doing case studies via webinar interview. You can do a “live” on Facebook, or you can use software like Zoom to conduct the interview. Offer those who watch the interview an incentive to buy what the person uses.
Ask Often – Don’t just ask for a review once. If you ask and they don’t give an answer, then you can ask again in a week or two. Give them time to use your products or service and get some results before asking the first time, then time how you do it again based on their behavior.
Letting your customers compliment you and review you in public without you being able to filter the reviews is a way to show how trustworthy you are. If you do get any bad comments or less than ideal reviews, even the way you deal with that in public will be on display to others and can help build trust.