Apply What You’ve Learned So Far by Reworking Your About Page
Now that you’ve learned how important it is to toot your own horn and collect testimonials, let’s work on your “about me” page.
This is one of the most important pages on your site, and sadly is often one of the most underutilized, but you are going to fix that right now because you’re going to take some time today to work on your about page!
Let’s get started.
Determine the Point of View
Determine which point of view is appropriate for your about page. If you’re a coach that works alone, you can get away with using the first-person point of view. If you have a business where you want to stress information about your team, and you could easily sell your business and let someone else run it, writing your about page in the third person will work better.
Get Their Attention First
Do something to get their attention from the moment they go to your about page. Putting a freebie or lead magnet above the fold on the about page is a good use of this real estate. Hook the reader with a bold statement that drives home the benefits of working with you. Include images, video, and more to get their attention.
Provide Social Proof
This is an excellent place to include testimonials. A line after you’ve got their attention like “Don’t believe me? Look at what others are saying!” Then list the testimonials or excerpts from the testimonials while providing a link to the rest of your testimonials, too.
Be Yourself
There is only one you and one your business. Find your business voice by knowing your values and the type of mood you’d like to represent to your audience. How do you want them to feel when they think of your business or of you?
Ensure Relevancy
Don’t put anything on your about page that is not relevant to the audience and what benefits them most about your work. If it cannot be tied into your offers, experience, expertise, and help your audience get to know you, like you, and trust you more in relation to your offers, it doesn’t belong.
It’s Not About You
It’s hard to realize sometimes that the about page is really not about you. Were used to it being called an “about me” page but it’s really about how you benefit your audience and how anyone reading can grab those benefits right now. When you include a call to action, you can drive that fact home.
You’ll need to let them know what you do, who you do it for, and why on your about page. Plus, anyone who bothers reading your about page should also be treated to extra information and a call to action just for them that brings them into your sales and marketing funnel.
Take a few minutes today to update your about page to add these ideas and take away anything that’s not promoting your business effectively. Then come back here and share with us. We want to know about you ;-)
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