Big Events Call for BIG Bravery
Bravery is a mindset. It’s a decision to face difficult things with a good attitude. It doesn’t mean you won’t feel fearful but that you’ve made a commitment to have the best attitude possible despite the negativity of what’s going on. The level of bravery you need will be determined by how big the situation is. Some situations really aren’t that catastrophic or difficult whereas some are off the charts. Big events call for BIG bravery.
There are times when the level of bravery needed to be bulletproof will feel enormous. Some situations are extraordinary and require more of you than you ever thought you’d have to give. It can feel isolating, overwhelming, and intimidating. That’s normal and to be expected. In certain situations, you’re going to have to dig deep and find strength you never knew you had.
Big failures call for BIG bravery
Failure is painful. Some failures are so big they can affect income, assets, and more. Failure can often come with guilt and shame making bravery seem even harder. You can fail big and still be brave. Looking at the situation and finding a proper perspective can help you be brave and bulletproof despite any losses. Modeling your brave mindset will help those around you feel more secure and brave as well.
Big illnesses and injuries call for BIG bravery
You or someone you love may face an illness or injury that calls for dealing with trauma, hospitals, recovery, and a completely changed lifestyle. Some illnesses and injuries are devastating and stop life in its tracks. Though it might feel like you’re the only one, you are not alone. Plug into resources that can show you the ropes, learn what you need to know, and find people who can support you while you manage this crisis. Taking positive action and believing you can manage any illness or injury that comes your way will lessen some of the intensity of the situation and help you develop your brave mindset.
Facing Mortality calls for BIG bravery
While most people know that everyone is going to pass away at some point, it isn’t something most people talk about in polite company. Facing mortality can be a BIG event that calls for more strength than you’ve ever had. Developing a brave mindset about death and dying includes growing and maturing about the cycle of life and death. Saying goodbye is never easy but having a mindset that focuses on celebrating life, rather than mourning it, helps.