In a word- Yes!
One solitary person can make a world of difference. The power of one is undeniable. Looking at history shows us a long list of men and women who single-handedly launched a movement, made a change, or took a stand in a way that made a difference that we feel today.
In this day and age of social media, blogging, Youtube, and much more, one person’s voice can literally change the world. As a matter of fact, it has never been easier to create a platform to share your unique voice, start a movement, and rally others behind you.
Here are some influencers who single-handedly changed their world:
Joan of Arc helped lead France to its independence from English conquest.
Rosa Parks took a stand against segregation and made her impact on the civil rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus.
Nelson Mandela was an unforgettable leader in the movement to end Apartheid in South Africa.
Princess Diana helped to destigmatize diseases like AIDS and became an influential force as a humanitarian.
Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for girls’ right to receive an education.
Chances are if you could speak to each of these difference-makers you’d discover some things in common. Likely, none of them thought of themselves as “unique” or “out of the ordinary” when they were first called to the causes that they are known for. They might tell you that they didn’t intend to make such a difference in the beginning, or that they never felt what they did was anything anyone else wouldn’t do given the same options. They would be humble and passionate about their unique areas of interest and would share that they simply wanted to do their part to help.
When one person takes a stand, and steps out in faith, frustration, or whatever it is that motivates them, they don’t know whether they will be successful. It isn’t about betting on a sure thing. They simply do the next necessary thing, and the path unfolds before them. The resources they need, the connections, and the story all come together as they walk things through. What started with one person’s actions becomes a community or tribe working together for the same cause.
Never doubt the ability of one person to make a difference. The difference you make may go totally unnoticed, or it can be front and center on the news. Either way, don’t deny yourself - or the community you can create - the benefit of your impact. Take a leap and step out onto the path towards making your impact 💪
To your creative success ;-)
Your happy WAHM, Stephanie Gilbert