Do These 7 Activities Regularly to Keep Your Creativity High
Whether or not you’re the go-to person among your friends because you come up with the best stuff to do on the weekend or you always find THE perfect birthday presents, it can be hard for everyone to “think outside of the box” on demand.
Maintaining a high level of creativity is no easy task, but with these original yet simple tips it sure will help give you a boost!
Carry a Notebook
Write down stuff. Make lists, keep track of random ideas. Even doodle if you need to let your mind loose to explore free associations and see where they take you. Even the physical act of writing will make you more creative.
Find Someone Who is Sarcastic
For whatever reason, hanging out with sarcastic people has been shown to make you more creative. While no one is quite sure why this works, it’s good to know there is a use for that one guy who’s always making those comments that make everyone roll their eyes.
Have Your ‘Creativity Corner’
By having a dedicated space to create, there’s never any excuse not to play. Stock it with your favorite creative items – paint and canvas, modeling clay, yarn, paper, whatever you like for playing and creating. Then periodically sit down and just let loose.
Try a Treasure Box
Find a small container that you can fill with positive mementos. Include things that make you smile, items that trigger-happy memories, and stuff that you like to play with and handle. Having something tactile stimulates your mind along creative pathways. Having a personal connection to each item is what will lead you along with new, more creative thought processes.
Work When You’re Already Tired
When you’re tired, you’re more apt to let your mind relax and to try things you wouldn’t normally do. It’s why we lose our inhibitions when we’re exhausted. So if you’re a morning person, try working at night, or vice versa. That will push you to let go and see things in a new way.
Embrace That Lonely Feeling
Take yourself on a date. Do things alone. Sometimes it’s easier to focus when there’s less going on around you.
Let Go of Perfection
It’s impossible to be creative when you’re still striving for the best idea. Look for a solution any way you can. Be silly, be strange, take imperfect ideas and create something new and better from them.
Maintaining a high level of creativity is something that anyone can learn how to do. By following ideas that allow for creativity and making the ones that work into regular habits, you’ll not only feel more creative, but you’ll be more creative. Who knows what you’ll dream up next?