Everyone Love a Good Story
Storytelling is a way to promote your business without making it just about you. After all, the story you tell will reveal to the reader the factors involved in your journey or a client’s journey that helped them experience success. When you tell stories effectively, you’ll be able to demonstrate results in a way that resonates with your audience while increasing sales.
Pull at Their Heartstrings
If you can spin a story to make it emotional while pulling at their heartstrings, you’ll create a situation where the viewers will want to read or watch the entire story. They’ll want to know how it ends. They’ll want to know what happens next. When the story does pull at their heartstrings, it’ll be because it showed them how this affects them personally.
Make It Bigger Than You
Even though your business is you, and it’s because of you that the product or service exists, and because of you that your customers can gain this benefit, for the purposes of the story, try to make it bigger than you and all about the combination of benefits the customers will receive upon applying your service or product. You can also tie it into a charity too if that’s something important to you.
Add More Humanity
People no longer care much for corporations. They care for people. For this reason, even large companies are personalizing their campaigns to include stories from their customers and about their customers and sometimes that includes those who are behind the scenes making the product or service for the customer.
Use User-Generated Content
One way to make the stories more interesting is to get help with story creation from your customers. You can interview them, do a case study, and put it on video or in writing on a blog with pictures and proven results that the customer provides. This type of story mostly created by the users but guided by you will further work to connect you to your audience.
Show How It Makes Life Better
One of the things that must be demonstrated in any story is how the thing made the customer’s life better. Be sure to mention the benefits in word and by demonstrating these results with pictures or other methods of proof. Remember, they want to know what’s in it for them.
As you work on telling stories, let your customers do the work for you. Design the questions you want to ask, send them a survey, and then put the answers together in the form of a story that covers before, during, and after the customer acquired the benefits of your product or service. After all, what your future customers need to know is how this is going to affect them. How is it going to change their life? What is going to happen to them? The stories help them imagine it better.
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