Fun in the Sun Without Getting Burned
Sunshine, in moderation, provides a healthy dose of vitamin D which is needed for the body to function properly. However, in today's world, sunburn can lead to skin cancer which is why it should be guarded against. If you plan to spend a lot of time outdoors this summer, stock up on a good brand of sunscreen. You can have your fair share of fun in the sun, without having to worry about getting burned.
There are two types of ultraviolet rays that emanate from the sun: UVA and UVB. UVA is the type that can cause wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. UVB causes skin cancer. It's best to choose a sun block that protects against both types of UV rays, if you want to keep your skin healthy and looking great into your senior years.
What number of sun block should I choose?
The numbers on your bottle of sun screen have gone up over the years. These days, an SPF of 30 is a good start if you want to get a full dose of protection from UV rays that cause skin cancer and premature aging.
What does the number on sunscreen mean?
If "X" represents the number on the bottle, then the time it takes for you to develop a sunburn will be prolonged by X number of times. So, if your skin turns red after 30 minutes in the sun and you wear sun screen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15, then you can spend 30 minutes times 15 which is 450 minutes, before getting burned. So that's 7.5 hours of sun protection total.
If I’m extremely pale, should I apply a sunscreen with a higher SPF?
Yes, people with very fair skin who burn easily should choose a minimum of 50 SPF.
What if I plan to be out in the sun all day?
It's a good idea to select a high SPF sunscreen if you know you'll be exposed to the sun for most of the day.
Psst… Looking for natural ways to protect your skin this summer? These reads will interest you for sure:
To a safe and happy summer,
Your happy WAHM, Stephanie Gilbert