Making a List and Checking It Twice
When you are trying to come up with content ideas to blog about, email about, and post about on social, if you focus on the problem you can solve, making content becomes easier. Plus, you can even use the ideas to create a popular, published book, or information product, or course about it too.
To come up with these ideas, you will need to focus on the main problem that you can solve for your ideal audience. Then make a list of the different types of content you can create that helps your audience solve their problems. After all, you need to come up with topics that your readers care about.
For example, if you’re a content writer, it’s easy to think that the problem you solve is providing content to your customers. That’s true, but the real problem you are solving is the problem of time freedom. Creating content takes time, effort, and knowledge or the ability to study the topic enough to write about it intelligently. Look at the value you provide your audience from their perspective.
Look at Your Competitor’s Blog
What problems is your competition solving and how are they doing it.
What do they write about in their blog?
What blog posts that they publish get more likes, comments, and shares?
Some of this information will be a guess, but you can bet if a blog has been around for a while and they talk about one particular topic a lot, it’s because that’s what their audience wants!
What Content is Popular on Your Blog?
Now, look at your blog if you have one. Look at your numbers to find out which blog post is most popular and compare it to the topics you want to talk about to them. Is there another way to approach this subject matter? Can you do it in a different format to make it feel new?
Grab a Book & Look at the Table of Contents
If there is a popular book about your niche that your audience likes to read, you should buy it. The table of contents is a good starting point for you to come up with ideas for blog posts, products, services, and general content ideas.
What Solutions Do They Look at When Deciding?
One type of content that is very popular across all topics is the “compare and contrast” blog post. This post will enable you to show them other solutions while comparing your solution in a better light.
Where Are They in Their Buying Journey?
Knowing where your target audience is in their own buying journey can also inform the type of content that you develop. Knowing where they are gives you insight into their intent. If they intend to learn, they’re not really going to want to see a sales page right this minute. Instead, they’re going to want educational information.
List the Problems You Solve with Your Solutions
Now that you’ve gone over these ideas, it’s time to write a list. Write down a list of problems and solutions that you currently offer. Remember to write them down from your ideal customer’s perspective. Can you identify one that can be your main offer and point of your existence?
It’s important that you narrow down the problems you solve to one “big” problem that is going to end up being what you are known for and an expert at doing. The reason you want to find a one problem and one solution answer isn’t because you can’t do more; it’s because when you narrow down and focus on one thing, you will make a more significant and more positive impact on them and your business too.
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