Mother Teresa, also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, was a Roman Catholic nun who dedicated her life in service to others. Born in Albania and living most of her life in India, she is widely known for her humanitarian efforts to care for people with HIV/AIDS, leprosy, and tuberculosis. She set up food kitchens and housing for the poor and the medically afflicted.
It won’t take long to find a meme or a quote regarding Mother Teresa circulating social media that has inspired the masses. Her kindness and love for humanity has inspired nations. Quotes like “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love” strike a chord and inspire others who wonder if one person or a small act of kindness can make an impact. Her example shows us that we can.
Mother Teresa lived a life of sacrifice as she worked to serve others. She moved from her homeland and never saw her mother again after the age of 18. She lived in foreign nations far from her familiar culture and forfeited most of the comforts that many people enjoyed. Her commitment was life-long, and impacted more people than we will ever truly know.
She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, and Canonized at the 5th anniversary of her death in 2016. She is now recognized by the Catholic church as a Saint. What a legacy!
Despite her sole focus on others, she was not without her critics. She has been criticized for some of her methods, and the housing and services she provided were oftentimes considered below standard. Still, she persevered. She never let anything stand between her and her assignment to “love the unloved”. Likely she responded to her critics with love, as evident in this quote: “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
Mother Teresa lived in service her whole life. She didn’t retire and spend her golden years resting and living off her investments. Instead, she served alongside those who needed it, even when she became frail herself. She serves as a wonderful example of how one person can make an impact in a focused area of need, and have that impact be recognized world-wide. Simply by caring, loving, and providing solace to those in need, she will be celebrated long after her death through the power of storytelling, social media, and her great example.
To your impactful success ;-)
Your happy WAHM, Stephanie Gilbert