New Challenge: Why What You Do Matters
As I walk my son back to school this morning for his return to school, it made me realize how big an impact some people can have on the rest of our lives. But it's not just teachers who have this power, each of us also have this possibility. And it is on this subject that I want to develop this month. Are you boarding with me?
Yes, everyone makes an impact - whether they are acting intentionally or not. Everyone is always making an impact on one another. Your actions, my actions, and the actions of others are influencing the world. What you do matters in more ways than you may realize, and your efforts may create chaos or lead to grand achievements. The key is being intentional with your actions.
There is a principle of chaos theory called the Butterfly Effect. It states that a minute first action can cause a reaction of epic proportions. The metaphorical example is that the simple movement of a butterfly’s wings over time can cause a wave that results in a hurricane.
This is an illustration of how important even the smallest of actions are in the grand scheme of the world. As someone living on this planet, you too have an effect everywhere you go. What you do and how you do it matters. You matter. You are as vital to the success of the human race as the most powerful influencer you can imagine. Have you ever considered this?
The set of people and places where you make the most impact is called your sphere of influence. This is the where your presence is felt the most. Your sphere likely includes your family, work, and the local community.
How are you making that impact?
Consider this:
● How you parent your children makes an impact
● How you manage your marriage makes an impact
● How you engage as a son, daughter, sister, or brother makes an impact
● What you contribute to your workforce makes an impact
● What you create makes an impact
● Your wisdom makes an impact
● How you vote makes an impact
● How you spend your time and money makes an impact
● How you pour yourself into others makes an impact
I could go on and on, but you’re starting to see my point. In all that you do, you matter. How you do things matters. It is all tied together. This may seem like a big responsibility - and it is - but it isn’t too big when you break it down into manageable bits and pieces, in all the different areas of your life.
The most important thing to realize is that you have influence and impact wherever you go, and by being intentional, you can leave your mark on this world in a favorable and meaningful way.
It’s going to be an impacting month!
To your creative success,
Your happy WAHM - Stephanie Gilbert
P.S.: Come back daily for tips and information on the topic, or even better if you haven’t done so, support my work by clicking the button below and receive additional tips and perks (hint: watch for your new coloring book tomorrow morning 😉)