Recap of Our March Wealth Journey
Thanks so much for participating in this month’s challenge - Creating a Wealth Mindset!
We’ve covered a lot of ground together. You now possess a strong understanding of what it means to be wealthy. You have strategies in place that can help you to move from scarcity to abundance:
● Get you thinking about your current money mindset
● Stop your negative thinking
● Involve your family in creating a wealth-mindset
● Learn money-making strategies
● Avoid common lack-mindset pitfalls
Together we have covered 30 days of information and I am excited to hear what you think. I bet you have had a lot of aha moments and have already begun utilizing many of the strategies from the challenge.
Some of my favorite are:
Day 1: Learning that a wealth mindset translates to more than just money. It includes your thoughts about health, relationships, and much more.
Day 10: Do you have a lid on your money-making capabilities? Remember the fleas in the jar? I hope that analogy really helped you see that there is no lid on what you can earn, once you change your mindset.
Day 17: A wealth mindset isn’t just about attitude, it’s about behavior: Learning that thinking about wealth isn’t the most important step in changing your mindset likely kick-started you into some important action. Good for you!
Day 20: Modeling a money mindset for your family: Everything you learned will have a greater impact when you make it a family affair. Sharing what you learn about wealth and modeling the positive aspects for your family will be some of the most important parenting you ever do.
A wealth mindset is a series of beliefs and actions that pave the way for financial success. Knowing how you do one thing is likely how you do many, taking positive steps in the right direction will ripple over into other resources. As you build your financial wealth, your other resources will grow too.
It’s been a pleasure connecting with you and helping you build your new skills and sharpen the ones you may have already had. Thanks for letting me be a part of your wealth-mindset journey. Let’s keep in touch. I hope to hear stories of your successes and I am happy to connect with you if you’d like to discuss a topic in more detail.
You are wealthier than you think.
Enjoy the journey!
P.S.: If you haven’t done so already, get your free month by signing up here:
You’ll unlock everything from past challenges AND April special perks as well ;-)