The More You Do This, The Easier It Gets
Sharing what you do and what you’re good at can be stressful when you’re not used to it. It’s hard to talk positively about yourself and to spread the good word about your products and services because it feels self-serving.
But what if I told you to NOT share your products and self with the world is the selfish thing? That’s right! Who are you hurting when you don’t share of yourself?
As you work your business and become more well-known, you’re going to have even more opportunities land in your lap. Right now, you may feel as if you work extra hard for any notice but as you keep going that’s going to snowball and become more common. The problem then will be working through your fear and saying yes to things that make you uncomfortable…
However, the more you say yes, the more opportunities will arise.
The more you say no and let fear run your life, the more closed your world will become and the fewer opportunities that will present itself.
It’s funny how that works. But, the more you say yes, the easier it gets, and the more people you connect with, the more opportunities you have to say yes.
When it comes to your business, the way to know whether to say yes or not about a promotional opportunity is to ask yourself a few questions to help you decide what to do. Whether it’s an opportunity to guest post, speak in public, present at a webinar, do an interview, write part of a book or something else, your default answer should be yes, unless there is a reason to say no.
Does This Fit My Value System?
When someone asks you to do something with them usually, they’re doing it for themselves to promote their own business. That’s perfectly fine, but you need to be sure that this person is someone you want to be known to be associating with. You usually have some form of shared value related to business aside from a shared audience.
Can I Use the Platform to Present My Ideas My Way?
What are the conditions, rules, and constraints to this event or performance? Are you able to truly present yourself and your knowledge in the right way, your way, the way you need to in order to do your products and services justice? For example, if you’re asked to speak free at a webinar but told you cannot offer a freebie or any type of thing to build your list, what is the point of doing it? Make sure there is a point for YOU.
Is Their Audience the Right Audience for My Offers?
Always do some research about their audience if you don’t already know the person making the offer. Does their audience want and need anything that you offer? If they do, then it’s likely you can easily find a way to keep them entertained via your copy or speaking ability. Don’t worry, you’re the expert, they’ll believe you’re great.
Who Owns the Materials Generated?
One thing to think about when you agree to do anything that’s recorded or printed is who owns the material. If you contribute to a magazine, a book, or even a webinar, often the organizer owns all the material. You can work a deal to ensure that you can at least use your part as you wish outside of their needs. That way if you repurpose this content there won’t be an issue.
Can I Reasonably Do It?
Depending on the deadline, can you get it done? Typically, even if you only have a week to get it done, you should be able to do it. You have enough content that you can pull from to create anything you need from presentations about your ideas and knowledge. Pull from your bio, your elevator speech, promotional copy, and more to make what you need. Naturally, having more time is better because you should promote the event too.
If you have not found a reason to disqualify the promotional opportunity, say yes. Once you say yes, you will now have a deadline to get the materials completed for the event. You’ll have to work through your fear and just go for it. You’ll find that the more you do this, the easier it gets. Working through the fear almost always pays off if the event fits your value system, is presented to an audience that needs what you offer, and you can truly reasonably do it in the time allotted.
P.S.: There are literally thousands of podcasts already out there, with millions of listeners–and a whole bunch of them are interested in exactly what you (or your clients) do. There’s literally never been a simpler way to connect with a seemingly endless pool of potential clients-to-be!
If that talks to you, here’s the perfect earn-while-you learn solution. Inside Coach Glue’s done-for-you 7 Steps to Help You Get Featured on Hot Podcasts video script package you’ll learn how to start crafting the perfect podcast pitches, build confidence in your speaking skills and how to articulate your expertise, and become a wildly magnetic podcast guest that’ll have listeners trawling the web to find out more about you/them and your/their services.