Try These 3 Small Changes to Save Hundreds Per Month
Hopefully, now that you’ve set up a budget, you have a better understanding of just where your money goes each month. Perhaps you’ve made some changes already in your spending and saving habits based on the topics we’ve covered so far. That’s fabulous.
Today, we’re going to look at just three simple ways you could save a ton of money without much effort at all. Give these three small changes a try, and you could save hundreds of dollars each month. Every little bit really does add up.
Pare Down Services and Subscriptions
Make a list of all the subscriptions and services you pay for each month. Be forewarned, there may be more than you realized. Things that fall in this category include meal kits, personal styling clubs, magazine subscriptions, streaming services, premium cable plans, music services, and more. Once you’ve made your list, it’s time to take an honest look at what you use and what you could stand to get rid of. Chances are, there are some things on that list you’ve been paying for and rarely, if ever, even use. Start a new list of what can definitely go and another with what could potentially be scrapped. Add up the savings, and you’ll likely make a plan to get rid of at least a few of these items.
Buy Bargain Brands
Some people insist upon buying brand names on everything, from groceries to apparel. You may be one of them. There are some legitimate reasons for purchasing favorite brands, and which you choose is your prerogative. You may, however, wish to consider giving bargain brands a try or looking into alternative shopping sources at the very least if you prefer to stick with the names you know. You can save a great deal by switching from the pricier well-known names. Give some lesser-known labels a try and see if you might find some you enjoy. Or consider looking to sources like discount grocery stores that sell name brand foods for far less or buying other goods like clothing at thrift stores or through online outlets where you can find gently used items for amazing prices.
Switch to DIY
One final way to save some serious cash is to try dropping some of your professional services and doing them yourself. If you hire a cleaning person on a regular basis, it may make sense to take on those duties or to delegate them to family members. What about car detailing? That can be quite expensive and is something you may be able to drop from your monthly budget. Even certain repairs can be handled on your own if you’re handy and have access to YouTube.
These are just some of the ways you can cut back on your monthly expenditures and save hundreds of dollars. Give them a shot and do a little brainstorming to see what else you can come up with.
To your creative success ;-)
Your happy WAHM, Stephanie Gilbert