Uncomfortable Sharing Your Successes? This one is for you!
One of the harsh realities of life is this: If you’re not willing to do it, why should anyone else be willing to do it? It really doesn’t even matter what the topic is. It fits. The truth is, if you’re not going to talk about yourself in a good way, sharing what you know, why would anyone do it for you? Other people like customers, friends, and affiliates need to have confidence in you and if you don’t have it, how will they get it? The fact is, once you’re comfortable sharing, others will follow suit.
Let’s examine why you may be uncomfortable sharing your successes and look at ways and reasons to overcome these roadblocks.
Your Upbringing
We all have a culture we grew up with. Sometimes culture is right, and sometimes it’s wrong. Sadly, most of us live in a culture right now where it’s perfectly acceptable for some people to brag as openly as they want, while others are looked down upon for doing it. Is that a good description of your culture? If so, what can you do to change the perception of everyone who also lives in that culture too?
For example, if you grew up in a religious family, they may not have meant to say that you should not talk about the things you’ve done well and good in a way that can help you get a promotion or build your business when they told you to be humble and turn the other cheek. You can still be humble and turn the other cheek while also standing up for yourself and your talents in a positive way.
The Liar Anxiety
Some people have serious emotional issues that cause them to freeze up when they start feeling like the center of attention. They feel butterflies that feel as if they number in the thousands that may come up their throat anytime they’re trying to talk about themselves positively. They feel scared and like frauds. If you have anxiety, the best way to deal with it is to acknowledge it but realize it lies to you.
For example, if you’re at a live event, you know that you will need to talk to people about yourself. You can combat some of these problems by telling anxiety it’s a liar and to back off while also practicing your elevator speech. Take the time to remind yourself of the success you’ve had in your business so that you can easily recite those facts.
Not Realizing What You Know
Sometimes the inability to self-promote comes from underestimating what you know. Experts can forget what it was like to be a newbie. They can even become blind to all that they do know. The best way to overcome this issue is to start teaching people who know just a bit less than you what you know. Their questions will help you realize what you know, thus building your confidence.
For example, teach a workshop to new people in your local area about something that you know and use in your business. During the workshop, you’ll be able to answer questions from true beginners thus driving home the knowledge you’ve gained through years of experience and study.
Once you determine why you have trouble promoting yourself, do some research about the issue so that you can discover the truth. Once you know the truth, you can use it to combat the fears as they spike up.