Week 5: A Time for Quiet Reflection
Welcome to Week 5 of our Holiday Less Stress Challenge. Today we will make time for quiet reflection.
How often do you take a moment to sit quietly with your thoughts?
The world turns at a very fast pace in our modern times. We're driven by communication and constant messages from the media, friends, people trying to gain our business. This is especially true in December, the busiest time of year.
To attract more peace into your life, you must first embody what peace really is.
You might feel like people want to rush you through your life's moments.
Everyone wants you to commit, answer, make a decision.
Don't give in to them. Being at peace with one's self means taking the time you need to live right.
December is just a day ahead, and the frost-covered delights of the great outdoors is soon to be a healing balm for body and soul.
If you've been feeling pressured to do and be all things to all people, stop and reassess.
Take a breath.
The year is winding to a close. Savor the ending. A time to slow down and engage with all of your senses!
JOURNAL IT: Ruminate on your connection with nature.
Take a walk in nature. Tune your senses in to the magical world around you. Then set aside quiet time after your walk in the wild. Put pen to paper. (A computer screen won't do for this exercise.)
Describe what you saw, heard, smelled, tasted.
Reflect on how you felt before and after.
Did you set out resenting the activity?
Once you let go, did you feel more peaceful?
What about this experience brought you peace, and why?
Did you feel more connected to people and events in your daily life, once you returned from your brief respite?
For my paying supporters: Did you download your Holiday Journal already (see post of Nov. 8th)? What do you think about it? Is this helping you to journal your thoughts and bring some peace of mind? I also strongly invite you to read the rest of this message to discover a new exercise and extra tips to help you integrate more peace into your holiday season.