Week 8: What Does it Mean to Have a Peaceful Heart?
Thank you for tuning in with me on Week 8 of this lovely, Peaceful Christmas season that we get to share, together.
Today we will ponder what it means to have a peaceful heart.
A peaceful heart is a happy heart.
A peaceful heart is an optimistic heart.
A peaceful heart is a forgiving heart.
A peaceful heart accepts others in all of their perfect imperfection.
Does your heart feel peaceful today?
Does your heart know peace every day?
We can't possibly feel peaceful all the time. But surely we can focus on ways to bring more peace to our minds and hearts, so that others may know peace through us.
Love is patient, love is kind. Peace and love… a cliché for sure, but they're natural companions.
Where there is peace, love abounds.
Let's think of ways we can be peaceful toward friends and family.
We can show peace by…
… being patient.
… listening without judgment.
… offering a kind word.
… forgiving each other.
… silencing our complaints.
… not criticizing.
… offering benefit of the doubt.
… practicing humility.
… showing others politeness and courtesy.
We live peacefully when we do unto others as we would have them do unto us.
Write down ways that you showed peace to other people today.
Describe peaceful moments that you shared with family.
Describe the ways you offered peace to strangers.
If there were times you did not feel peaceful today, what happened?
What did you do or say?
What can you do differently next time, in the name of living more peacefully?
Write about the falling-out you had with a friend if there was one.
What can you do to make peace with them going forward?
For my paying supporters: New gifts just arrived in your member’s area! All about helping you triumph over the stress monster! Perfect for this time of year and beyond.
I also strongly invite you to read the rest of this message to discover a new exercise and extra tips to help you integrate more peace into your holiday season.