What is Your Timeline for Making Your Dreams Come True?
Goals and habits are closely related and dependent on each other. When you set goals, you’re creating milestones to reach for. You set a tangible timeline for making your dreams come true.
However, in order to attain those goals, you must reach certain objectives and take steps each day in order to obtain them. These steps you take are habits or things you get used to doing repeatedly in order to attain a desired outcome. Setting goals and reviewing them on a regular basis is also a habit.
Keep reading to learn just why goal setting is such an important habit to develop and in what ways it can impact your life.
Provide Direction
Goals give you direction for your life. When you decide you’d like to achieve something, whether it’s big or small, you have a destination. You know in which direction you wish to move. A life without goals is often lived on autopilot. You’ll find yourself doing what you have to do in order to make it through each day, rather than striving to make intentional choices that reflect your values and priorities. Having goals provides structure to a hectic life.
Clarify Priorities
Setting goals helps you to see what’s important in life. Doing so also improves your decision making. When you know what you want to accomplish over a given period of time, you will base your decisions and your actions on finding ways to make that happen. You’ll discover your choices are more intentional and purposeful, not random and impulsive.
Stay Focused
Even when you don’t set clear and concise goals, it’s likely that you have an idea of what you want in life. However, staying focused enough to see the process through to completion is difficult without getting into the habit of setting real, tangible goals and reviewing them on a regular basis to be sure you’re still on track. As they say, a goal without a plan is just a wish. Wishing isn’t usually enough to make things happen. Setting intentional goals helps you to stay focused and on target.
Increase Motivation
When you set a specific goal, you know what it is that you want. Your desire is no longer vague. Proper goal setting involves creating a game plan for how you’ll reach the finish line. You’ll determine what steps you need to take and develop a timeline for achieving your ultimate goal. This gives you motivation to keep going even when things are hard and increases your chance of ultimate success.
Getting into the habit of setting goals puts you in charge of your life, rather than just going with the flow and hoping for the best. Sit down and set a few realistic goals for yourself, and you’ll start to notice these benefits. Soon, goal setting will become a habit you rely on.
To your creative success ;-)
Your happy WAHM, Stephanie Gilbert